Sunday, May 24, 2009


I haven’t updated in a while, sorry! I am SWAMPED with final projects. High School is almost over for me, dear readers (if any of you exist—feel free to leave me comments, anonymous are fine too! I welcome constructive criticism!!).
Anyways, I had my friends Steph and Sally come to Canada, to go to TCAF. It was a great time! We got to meet some of our favourite artists! And we passed out some mini comics.
My friends Sally and Steph
Sally stayed longer (Steph was only there for the weekend), and because of that I slacked on some work, which I am now making up.
Some progress…
Almost fully inked page
Hunky Dory page 2
some pencilled pages

I made a very short (6 pages plus cover and info page), and very simple mini-comic for TCAF. I printed a lot because the photocopier I used wasn’t taking money from my copy card, so I took advantage of that…haha… SO, with that in mind, I’d love to send out some of them to you! I have 18 left! If you want one, e-mail your address at
Seriously, it’s no trouble. It would really make my day!
What You Thought

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Death, Making Comics, SAME THING!

I'm not dead-- just a cartoonist. Pretty similar though! Been working on a REALLY simple comic (the pages are crap!) to shove in people's faces at TCAF, which requires making 2 pages a day. And then back into my page a day for my summative.

P.S. If you're in the GTA, GO TO TCAF!! IT'S FREEEEEEEE!!!!!

My friend's are going to be here so soon! I'm really excited to be able to have them here, and to be surrounded by people who are genuinly interested in my rants about amazing inking and story telling. Haha.

No pictures, sorry!!