Thursday, May 5, 2011


Come see me and my fantastic Coffee Spoons gals at TCAF on Saturday and Sunday! Table 117, 1st floor of the Toronto Reference Library. ADMISSION IS FREE!!
Here's the TCAF website:

In other news, we were briefly mentioned over at the Daily Cross Hatch:
Daily Cross Hatch Rehash: Fresh Meat 2011

Annnnd, we have a little interview up on the National Post (click the image to go to the post):

OH! And, as you know, I was exhibiting at Fresh Meat with Li-Or Zaltzman. There's a short video of the whole thing here: Drawing Words, Writing Pictures

I'm still drawing away! You'll have another post from me tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I promised you a Freddie page two days ago! Well, now you get two of them!
Click on them for a bigger image.

I'm thinking about continuing some Freddie comics on the side because I'm enjoying it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

MoCCA Madness!

I had a fantastic time a MoCCA. Even though the night before was a blurry haze of little sleep and non-stop photocopying (with a short break interning). After it was finally over and I got some sleep, I was so exhausted. For three days leading up to, and during most of MoCCA, I survived on very little sleep, but also forgot to eat enough or drink enough water. Crazy!
These photos are taken from my talented friend/cartoonist Sally Cantirino. I'll upload mine soon!

Tired and scraggly looking me with Li-Or Zaltzman

Close up of our table. The three, big, 8.5 x 11 comics are mine.

Two of my comics. I forgot to trade Sally the 3rd one!

Our table anthology, Coffee Spoons Comics #1.

I shall be posting another Freddie page that I did tomorrow (technically today, I guess).
In other news, I will be at SVA's Fresh Meat (free to attend! Come see and buy amazing comics) on April 29th.
Also, I will be exhibiting--along with 2 of my Coffee Spoons Gals, Stephanie Mannheim, and Li-Or Zaltzman--at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival, May 8th-9th.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


MY fellow amazing cartoonists and I will be exhibiting and selling our stuff at MoCCA (including an AMAZING anthology of our work). Come meet me, say hi, chat about Freddie Mercury (or David Bowie, or Jeff Buckley, etc.), perhaps buy a comic or two.
Table E12 - Coffee Spoons Comics

That middle one is a comic about FREDDIE MERCURY. Come on!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running*

Long ago I posted a comic about my running experiences/feelings. I promised to eventually post a proper scan (vs a photo), and now here it is:

On Running

This was done while I was doing the Couch-to-5k program (which you can find online if you want to try it out yourself!), which I have completed now. Moving on to a 10k over the summer hopefully!

*Title taken from a Haruki Murakami book

These Are the Days of Our Lives

I'm so terribly sorry there haven't been updates. School, as always, has managed to sweep me away from the world. But wait! The summer is not far away and I plan to work like a fiend through the summer. In fact, I'll set deadlines so that you know there will be something awaiting your eyes, dear viewer. For now, I'll scan some of the pages of the past semester and this semester and upload it slowly to tide you over until the summer.

Did I also mention my friends and I will be exhibiting at MoCCA in NYC and TCAF (Toronto Comic Arts Festival), under "Coffee Spoons Comics" (Table E12 at MoCCA---stay tuned for TCAF!).

In one of my classes we were supposed to choose an artist to focus on and make comics about them. Naturally, I chose Freddie Mercury. Here's one of the pages from that:

web location freddie

This assignment was "location as character" so I chose the bedroom to tell the story of Freddie's illness and eventual death. Click to go to Flickr and get a larger image!