Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twin Peaks.

Anyone seen that movie?

I'm talking about Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.

I got it for free in some magazine that I picked up in Poland, and was going to just leave it behind, when I read "David Bowie". Okay, must watch.

Have you ever experienced a bad acid trip? Well, it's kind of like that. Amusing, I'm sure, and I'd probably have to watch it again, but at the end of 2 and a half hours, you have no idea what the hell is going on.

Anyways, there's this one scene where the girl looks at this picture she owns (or was it in a dream?) and it's a picture of room. The door is slightly open, and through that room, you see another that is identical to first one, and even that second room's door is open, and you see that it's the same room again. It goes on and on. If that confused you, you should know it's one of the more straight-forward scenes. Hah.

So back then (this was about a year ago), I kept a sketchbook and drew everyday. Not the best drawings, but it's something. And it's based off of the previously mentioned scene, and another scene where you see this kid wearing a strange mask.

--Kate D.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An introduction, if you please

So, I've joined the bandwagon. I've made an art blog (although I'm following in suit of my friend who has a journalism blog).

I suppose this is where I introduce myself, no? I love all aspects of art, but comics, specifically, is my passion. I go to NYC this summer to study comics for 4 years at SVA. I also enjoy film, music, literature, philosophy, women's studies.

I hope to post art (duh), comics (double duh), and talk about some great comics, books, artists, or music that I've encountered recently.
Most importantly, I'm hoping this blog will force me to make comics as often as I can.

So, to begin with what's been going on. I've been...busy.
Just finished up a piece today that might be published in a book (I'm 90% sure it will, unless they make some real desperate cuts) by SMITH magazine. I scripted and thumbnailed a 5 page colour comic that I need to get done this week (God help me). I'm coming up with thumbnails and sketches because I'm designing something for a friend (who offered to pay, over and over, but I told her just having that on a resume was good for me). Finally, I'm planning out a box sculpture comic, a painting and getting in contact with some of my instructors.

I'm not complaining though. It's much better than being bored.

Here's what I hope to have in the book: